

municipality of Peyre en Aubrac


It is well known that the department of Lozère is a welcoming land with great gastronomic wealths. Find below the list of all the restaurants located in Aumont-Aubrac and in the other villages of Peyre en Aubrac, for a break in peace between Aubrac and Margeride. We update our lists regularly to provide you with the most accurate information and facilitate your search for a memorable stay in our region.


Tél : +33 6 43 69 90 41
Adress : Place du Foirail 48130 PEYRE EN AUBRAC

Located in the center of Aumont-Aubrac, the Aubrac Hotel welcomes you in a warm atmosphere. Guests can relax at the hotel bar or enjoy the traditional restaurant with many local specialties. Menu from 15 € to 20 €. Open for lunch and dinner.